Conversion Focused Cannabis SEO Strategies

Make your cannabis business stand out, increase your ROI.

We are Ready Green, a cannabis SEO agency. We believe in the benefits of cannabis-derived products, and we help promote the cannabis industry through excellent digital marketing and top-notch marijuana SEO strategy. 

We cater to cannabis businesses in competitive niches, such as e-commerce, cannabis products manufacturing, and marijuana pharmacies. 

We offer complete SEO services to help you achieve higher rankings in the search engine results pages (SERPs), get more leads and web traffic, increase your conversions, sales, and ROI.

What is Cannabis SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an extensive method of optimizing your website to rank higher in the search engines, such as Google and Bing.

The marijuana SEO strategy must encompass the four main areas of search engine optimization:

On-page SEO

On-page SEO refers to the optimization efforts done for the content and elements inside your website. 

It also involves data-backed keyword research, long-tail keyword usage, enough keyword density, full-on web page optimization for the page title, description, content, and structured data.

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to optimization efforts done outside your website, to help you build links, drive organic traffic, strengthen your brand and website authority.

It also includes several marketing efforts, such as content marketing, search engine advertising, social media marketing, guest posting, and email marketing.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to the in-depth optimization done on your site to make it more user-friendly. Excellent user experience leads to better ranking and conversion. 

It entails optimizing your site speed, web design, site architecture, fixing bugs and backend codes, and improving your overall website performance.

Local SEO

Local SEO refers to creating web pages targeting local keyword searches, helping you attract more foot traffic to your physical or local store if you have one. 

It involves creating content that targets specific locations and setting up your Google My Business (GMB) account to rank higher in branded keyword and map search. 

Why Your Cannabis Business Needs Marijuana SEO

The rise of cannabis legalization in the United States leads to a rapidly growing competition in the cannabis industry. 

Thousands of cannabis supporters and entrepreneurs embark on cannabis businesses. Therefore, you need to position yourself before the going gets tough in your niche. 

Set yourself apart and become an authority by taking advantage of expert marijuana SEO services and digital marketing strategies. 

Get leverage as soon as you can before any competitor can surpass your brand.  

Remember that SEO for cannabis can be one of the most effective marketing tactics that you can use to: 

  • increase your search engine visibility,
  • acquire quality leads online,
  • drive more organic traffic to your site,
  • and increase your chances of getting more conversions and higher ROI

See how your marijuana SEO presents your website in the eyes of Google and how well you’re doing compared to your competitors.

Our 5 Top-Most Cannabis SEO KPIs

Here are our top-driving key performance indicators. See if these reflect your idea of a successful SEO and effective marketing.

Website Authority

We aim to increase your site’s domain authority with expert SEO services, optimize your web pages, and help you create high-quality & link-worthy content. 

We’ll also improve your internal linking, remove irrelevant backlinks, and implement effective content marketing.


Search Engine Visibility

We aim to increase your cannabis business search and overall online visibility with excellent SEO methods. 

We’ll strive to have you land on top of search engine results pages, especially on the first page of Google.

User Experience

We aim to improve your site visitors’ user experience, which helps big time in ranking & conversion. 

We’ll make sure that your site works great 99% of the time with excellent site structure for SEO, load speed, and mobile responsiveness.



We aim to increase your site’s SEO conversion, whether it’s for email subscription, callback requests, or sales. 

We’ll help you craft attractive web design, compelling content, and an overall easy to navigate website.


We aim to grow your SEO ROI by 100% or more so that you don’t have to pay for hefty ad fees just to get more visibility and traffic. 

We’ll strive to bring you a steady stream of quality leads, traffic, and cash flow.

Our Expert Search Engine Optimization Strategies

Top-notch SEO strategies to help you dominate the first page of Google and other search engines.


Data-Driven Keyword Research

Keyword research is the foundation of SEO. 

Before we go on optimizing your website, especially your content, we conduct strategic and data-driven keyword research using the latest techniques & tools available.

This also includes long-tail and NLP (Natural Language Processing) keyword research to ensure highly-optimized content.

Comprehensive Competitor Research

In SEO, we don’t keep our “enemies” close; we study our competitors. 

We will help you mine the top-performing keywords used by your competitors so you can leverage them for your website. 

This also includes studying their website structure and the quality links pointing to their sites.

Highly-Targeted Content Creation

Content is king in SEO. It’s vital that you publish highly-targeted, optimized, ultra-relevant, user intent-driven, and helpful content.

We will help you with blog post writing, guest posting to build your links, email marketing, and SEO copywriting for your landing pages and service pages.

Quality Link Building to High Authority Websites & from Relevant Sites

Quality backlinks are believed to be one of the ranking factors in SEO, especially in the Google search engine.

We will help you acquire high-quality links from relevant websites that are not your competitors. 

One of our methods is publishing press releases for your site so that your cannabis business will get traction from companies and consumers alike via the press.

Holistic Approach to Cannabis SEO

SEO for cannabis can be massive, and it is such an extensive task. This is why you need an A-team that is highly experienced in search engine optimization. 

 Having a holistic approach to all areas in SEO can help you speed up your success and cash in faster and in the long run. 

We will make sure that everything is well taken care of for your site in terms of on-page, off-page, technical, and local SEO services.

Why Choose Ready Green as Your Marijuana SEO & Marketing Agency?


Through our expert SEO and digital marketing strategies, we will help you attract more customers and entice repeat clients or buyers.

Whether in search results, social media, and other marketing platforms.


Once you get enough online visibility and organic traffic to your website, we will help you convert those visitors into paying clients and customers. 

We do this by crafting an attractive yet functional web design, compelling content, and smooth and easy transactional pages.


We will track the KPIs and send you reports on a regular basis to make sure that we are on track on what we promised you. 

Delivery higher rankings in the search engines, more online visibility, growth in web traffic, better conversions, and increased ROI.

Take Advantage of Our FREE SEO and Marketing Assessment

for Your Cannabis Business

Discover how you can improve your cannabis marketing efforts & rank higher on the search engines with expert SEO strategy.

The 5 Crucial Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Marijuana SEO & Cannabis Marketing Agency



Does the SEO company have conversion in mind? 

SEO should not just be all about higher rankings, visibility, and web traffic because at the end of the day, what you need is a steady stream of income with bigger ROI. 

Observe how your potential SEO agency talks about conversion and ROI as part of the KPIs. 

SEO Strategies & Tools

Marijuana SEO is constantly becoming competitive, and the tools to use are substantially advancing as time goes by. 

Make sure that your SEO team talks about algorithm updates, new tools, and updated strategies that will help you compete in the search engines effectively.


Proven Track Record

Check for successful SEO and marketing campaigns that will help you gauge the level of expertise and experience your marijuana SEO company has. 

Were they able to deliver the promised higher rankings, visibility, and conversions? 

Do they have experience with handling cannabis companies?

Customer Service

Your marijuana SEO agency should also become your de facto IT unit. 

They must be very responsive and offer you reliable support, especially when your website is acting up


Reviews & Testimonials

See if your potential marijuana SEO company has positive reviews and testimonials from related cannabis businesses. 

How were they able to provide value to the websites of these cannabis companies? Take some time to do a bit of research. 

United States of America Cannabis Legalization Updates in 2020

Check out the legalization status of cannabis in each state in the US. 

Take note of the localities that you can target in the search engines, especially the keyword groups that they use when searching for cannabis and other related products online.

List of cannabis initiatives and legislation per US state in 2020


The Senate judiciary committee approved Senate bill 165 for medical cannabis on February 19, 2020.


Two cannabis initiatives that are proposed constitutional amendments to legalize cannabis use for adults received electronic votes in May 2020.


The cannabis initiative supported by Smart and Safe Arizona has received over 420,000 signatures on July 1, 2020.


Temporary Senate President, Martin Looney, and House Speaker, Joe Aresimowicz, introduced cannabis legalization for adult use on February 6, 2020. Just one day after Governor Ned Lamont supported cannabis legalization in the whole state during the State address.


The House Judiciary Committee passes Houses bill 136 for medical cannabis with 17-1 votes on February 12.


The House of Representatives’ majority leader, Ryan Winkler, introduces House bill 4632, which is a comprehensive bill that seeks the legalization of cannabis for medical and adult-use as well as the removal of cannabis-related convictions.


The initiative for medical cannabis qualified for voting in November 2020.


The Secretary of State approves signature gathering for four legalization initiatives for adult-use cannabis in January 2020.


New Approach Montana submits the I-190 legislation to the Montana Secretary of State, and in June 2020, the collecting groups for voter signatures claimed that they were able to gather almost twice the minimum amount required by the Secretary of State.

New Hampshire

Senate Bill 420, allowing qualified adults to grow cannabis plants on their own for medical purposes of those under their care, has been passed in the Senate in February 2020.

Also, the committee approves House Bill 1648, allowing adults to acquire up to five grams of hashish and ¾ ounces of cannabis. The Bill also supports cannabis growing up to six plants, allowing adults to gift cannabis products between each other. 

However, selling cannabis is still illegal.

New Jersey

In June 2020, State senators, Sandra Cunnigham, Ron Rice, and Teresa Ruiz introduced the Senate bill 2535 which seeks to decriminalize the possession of up to 16 ounces of cannabis.

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Ready to Make Your Cannabis Business Stand Out, Drive More Leads & Traffic to Your Website, and Increase Your Conversions & ROI?

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